新西兰可以进口的水果有哪些,怎么水果准入,水果准入名单分享,水果报关报检问题 水果进口报关的操作流程: Operation process of fruit import declaration 1:食品收发货人备案 Food consignee and consignor filing 2:货到港口安排换单 Arrange for order replacement when the goods arrive at the port 3:中英文标签备案 Chinese and English label filing 4:进口报检出通关单 Import customs clearance form 5:进口报关出税单 Import customs declaration 6:商检、海关查验 抽样 送检 Commodity inspection, customs inspection, sampling and inspection 7:缴税 Pay taxes 8:海关放行 Customs clearance 9:商检局出检验检疫卫生证书 Commodity Inspection Bureau issued inspection and quarantine health certificate 水果进口到港之前要提前办理水果的进境动植物检验检疫许可哦 Before the fruit is imported into Hong Kong, it is necessary to apply for the import animal and plant inspection and quarantine permit in advance.